Compact XYZ Piezo Stage Combines with Motorized Stages for Complex Nanopositioning, Micromanipulator Applications
A new high performance version of PI’s popular NanoCube® XYZ piezo nanomanipulator flexure stage is available to combine with a series of miniature motorized micro-positioning stages for nano-scale motion over long travel ranges.
April 22, 2019: The P-616 NanoCube® Micro/Nanomanipulator is ideally suited to move, position, and manipulate minute components, such as optical fibers and components. It is equipped with capacitive feedback capable of detecting motion with sub-nanometer resolution; its parallel-kinematics design reduces the moved mass (inertia) for improved dynamics (step & settle) and scanning speed. A custom miniature gripper will also be available to add to the micromanipulator.
Like the P-611 NanoCube® – which is still available – the new P-616 model provides 100 microns of travel in X, Y, and Z.
The higher resolution and speed of the new model provide advantages in photonics alignment and other optical applications where nanometer-scale resolution is required.
Digital Controller Improves Performance, Flexibility
The P-616 XYZ stage can be operated with PI’s E-727 digital servo piezo controller, which offers the advantage of higher linearity, faster settling, and software accessibility to all motion parameters, compared to conventional analog piezo controllers.
The digital piezo controller comes with an all-inclusive software package: drivers for LabVIEW, dynamic libraries for Windows and Linux, MATLAB. Interfaces consist of USB, SPI, RS-232, and analog. Supported functions include Wave generator, data recorder, auto zero, and trigger I/O.
Combinations with Motorized Stages
The P-616 XYZ piezo scanner can be combined with the compact M-122 motorized stage or the new L-505 stage to compact XYZ alignment systems with 1” travel and sub-nanometer resolution.