Auburn, MA and Irvine, CA, May 21, 2012 -- PI announces the next step in the acquisition of miCos GmbH. PI (Physik Instrumente) LP, the US operation of piezo and nanopositioning systems manufacturer Physik Instrumente GmbH, will now handle sales, distribution and service of miCos GmbH products for the US, Mexico and Canada effective June 1, 2012.
The distribution of miCos GmbH products will be integrated in PI's North American organization. MICOS USA will be renamed to MICRONIX USA and continues to be headed by Manfred Schneider, currently president of MICOS USA, who has successfully grown the business for miCos GmbH in the US over the past 6 years. The renamed company will continue the support of the MICOS USA-developed products, including the PPS, PP and VT product lines.
All other miCos GmbH products will now globally be marketed under the new PI miCos brand name.
The integration of PI and and miCos GmbH along with the acquisition of the distribution rights in the USA concludes the merger of both companies after Physik Instrumente GmbH became the majority owner of miCos GmbH in September 2011.
The acquisition of miCos GmbH allows PI to supplement its extensive nanopositioning and micro-positioning portfolio with the products and know-how of a leader in the field of vacuum positioning technology and system integration. PI's product range of high-precision positioning systems is particularly expanded in the area of high precision linear stages with stepper motors and electro-magnetic linear motors. In addition, high-load rotation stages and long-travel linear stages (up to 1000 mm) are now also available.
The PI USA team is looking forward to working with existing and new PI miCos customers.
Further information regarding the transition such as FAQ's on open orders, warranty and support will be published on the www.pimicos.com, www.micosusa.com, www.micronixusa.com and www.pi-usa.us websites.
This is a legacy product that may have limited availability or may have been replaced. Ask a PI engineer for an equivalent new model.