E-507 is a high performance high voltage Linear piezo amplifier / piezo driver module for High Voltage piezo stacks. This high precision driven can output and sink a peak current of 50 mA and an average current of 13 mA. E-507.00 can be operated in 2 ways.
Manual operation
The piezo driver output voltage can be set by a 10-turn, DC offset potentiometer in the range of -3 to -1000 Volts.
External operation
The piezo driver output voltage is controlled by an analog signal applied to the BNC input ranging from 0 to 11 Volts. Multiplying by the gain factor of -100, an output voltage range of -3 to -1100 Volts results. The DC offset potentiometer allows for a continuous variation of the input voltage range between 0 V to +11 V and -11 V to 0 V.
For computer-controlled operation, an DAC Interface/Display Module can be used (requires E-500/E-501 chassis). For frequency response with selected HVPZTs see graph below.
E-507.00 is not a stand-alone system. It requires the E-500/E-501 chassis with integrated power supply to function as an amplifier. A 32-pin connector is used to interface with the E-500/E-501 chassis.
TECHNICAL DATA: E-507.00 | |
Function | power amplifier |
Channels | 1 |
Maximum output power | 50 W |
Average output power | 13 W |
Peak output current < 50 ms | 50 mA |
Average output current > 50 ms | 13 mA |
Current limitation | short-circuit proof |
Voltage gain | -100 ±1, +100 ±1 (selectable) |
Polarity | negative/positive/bipolar (jumper selectable) |
Control input voltage | 0 to +11 V, 0 to -11 V (jumper selectable) |
Output voltage | -3 to -1100 V |
DC offset setting | -3 to -1100 V with 10-turn pot. |
Input impedance | 1 MW |
Control input sockets | BNC |
PZT voltage output sockets | LEMO ERA.0A.250.CTL |
Dimensions | one 14T slot wide, 3H high |
Weight | 0.75 kg |
Operating voltage | requires E-530/E-531 power supply |
This is a legacy product that may have limited availability or may have been replaced. Ask a PI engineer for an equivalent new model.