Position Feedback Servo Control
Increases Piezo Stiffness
Eliminates Drift & Hysteresis
For Capacitive Sensors, Strain Gauge Sensors & LVDT Sensors
E-509 is a Closed-Loop Piezo Servo Controller with integrated feedback sensor instrumentation amplifiers for closed loop Piezo stages and actuator positioning systems. Versions for three different sensor types are available: Strain Gauge Sensors, LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformers) and Capacitive Sensors. One and three channel modules are available for Strain Gauge Sensors and LVDT Sensors. The closed loop piezo controller capacitive sensor module is available as a one, two and three channel version. The latest digital piezo servo controllers are described here.
The closed loop position servo control part of the E-509 is identical for all versions: an analog P-I (Proportional Integral) controller. Proportional and integral gain can be set internally by trimmers. Sensor bandwidth and control bandwidth can also be set. A notch filter allows operation of the piezo positioning system closer to its mechanical resonant frequency.
The E-509 piezo servo feedback module compensates for drift and hysteresis of Piezo actuators and nanopositioning stages. It also increases the stiffness of a Piezo by quickly adjusting the operating voltage on the Piezo as soon as a change in force or load occurs.
E-509 is not a stand-alone unit. It requires the E-500/E-501 chassis, the E-471 or E-480 amplifier with integrated power supply to function as a PZT servo controller.
E-509.C1 Piezo Stage / Actuator Sensor/ Servo Controller Module, Capacitive Sensor
E-509.L1 Piezo Stage / Actuator Sensor/ Servo Controller Module, LVDT Sensor
E-509.S1 Piezo Stage / Actuator / Servo Controller Module, Strain Gage Sensor
E-509.C2 Piezo Stage / Actuator / Servo Controller Module, Capacitive Sensor, 2 Channels
E-509.C3 Piezo Stage / Actuator / Servo Controller Module, Capacitive Sensor, 3 Channels
E-509.L3 Piezo Stage / Actuator / Servo Controller Module, LVDT Sensor, 3 Channels
E-509.S3 Piezo Stage / Actuator / Servo Controller Module, Strain Gage Sensor, 3 Channels
Function | displacement sensor electronics and position servo controller for PZTs |
Channels | 1 (E-509.x1), 2 (E-509.C2), 3 (E-509.x3) |
Sensor types | strain gages (E-509.Sx), LVDTs (E-509.Lx), capacitive sensors (E-509.Cx) |
Servo characteristics | P-I (analog) + notch filter |
Rear connector | 32-pin connector |
Sensor socket | LEMO ERA.0S.304.CLL (E-509.Cx: LEMO EPL.00.250.NTD) |
Sensor monitor | LEMO ERA.0S.303.CLL (3 channel versions) |
Dimensions | one 7T slot wide, 3H high |
Weight | 0.35 kg (E-509.x3); 0.25 kg (E-509.x2); 0.2 kg (E-509.x1) |
Operating voltage | requires E-530/E-531 power supply (E-500/E-501 system, etc.) |
This is a legacy product that may have limited availability or may have been replaced. Ask a PI engineer for an equivalent new model.