Closed-Loop Digital Piezo Controller Line Expanded
More Bits to Byte into Your Positioning Applications

PI has again extended its selection of closed-loop digital servo piezo controllers (Fig. 6). 1-4 channel models (up to 7 channels for special designs) in a variety of forms furnished with versatile digital and analog interfaces are now available.
Some key interfaces available include:
- High-speed fiber link (1 Mbit/s)
- Parallel port (PIO)
- DSP link
- RS-232
- IEEE 488
- High-speed analog
All piezo controllers feature 32-bit digital servo-loop technology, extremely low-noise piezo high voltage power amplifiers, and capacitive feedback position sensor inputs. A linearity of up to 0.001% in positioning motion is possible depending on the positioning mechanism.
To operate and optimize configuration, a comprehensive assortment of software (DLLs, LabView driver etc.) is supplied with these devices (Figs. 7 & 8). The mechanical parts include ID chips containing all calibration data that is transferred to the controller when powered up. This feature ensures reliable, optimal operation with the added bonus of allowing the controller and the nanopositioning system to be interchanged at will.
This is a legacy product that may have limited availability or may have been replaced. Ask a PI engineer for an equivalent new model.