Ultra Small Nanopositioning Stages for Nano-Automation Applications – Miniature Piezo Flexure Stages

- Smallest Flexure Guided Closed-Loop Nanopositioning Translation Stages with Capacitive Feedback Sensors
- Dimensions: 15 x 25 x 6 mm
- Precision Trajectory Control
- 10 µm Scan and Positioning Range, 0.05 nm Resolution
- Ultra-fast Response
- Integrated ID Chip (Calibration Sheet) Available
- Ultra-Fast Digital Controllers with Fiber Interface Available
- Latest Feed Forward Techniques for Elimination of Self-generated Resonances available
PI supplies the smallest commercially available Piezo linear nanopositioning stages for Nano-Automation applications with ultra-precision trajectory control. The latest generation of NanoAutomation systems combine highest resolution, accuracy with very fast settling time, and extremely small rotational errors. These high-speed linear stages are equipped with capacitive feedback sensors providing sub-nanometer resolution and stability.
Careful attention to mass minimization results in significant reduction in inertial recoil forces applied to the supporting structures enhancing overall system throughput and stability.
The high precision nanopositioning translation stages are available with integrated ID chip (calibration sheet) for ease of interchangeability. They can be operated with PI's ultra-fast Closed-Loop Digital Servo Piezo Controllers featuring an ultra-fast (1 Mbit/sec), FiberLink Interface with galvanic isolation to eliminate coupled EMI as a source of low-level position modulation distance up to 50 m). These controllers are equipped with the latest Feed Forward Techniques for elimination of self-generated resonances anywhere the equipment.
Application Examples
Disk drive testing, metrology, nanopositioning, scanning microscopy, fiber optics, scanning interferometry, bio-technology, micromanipulation, semiconductor industry, etc.
Working Principle
Piezo NanoAutomation translation stages are equipped with multilayer piezoelectric drives integrated into a sophisticated flexure guiding system. The wire EDM (Electric Discharge Machining) cut flexures are FEA (Finite Element Analysis) modeled for zero stiction/friction, ultra-high resolution, and exceptional guiding precision. An integrated capacitive position feedback sensor provides sub nanometer resolution and stability in closed loop operation (with PI electronics).
This is a legacy product that may have limited availability or may have been replaced. Ask a PI engineer for an equivalent new model.